Saturday, October 22, 2011

we're back, baby!

No blog posts since April? Wow, we are awful human beings. AWFUL! I, Sean Lorenz, hereby declare more blog posts of cute kids.

Let's begin with a YouTube response to Baby Monkey Riding (Backwards) on a Pig. Commence child abuse in 3-2-1....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

easter morning.



party in a box.

grandma sharon sent brooklyn an easter basket FILLED with yummy goodness. and while b loved her treats, we think she preferred playing in the empty box that the basket came in!!


and then the sun came out, and all was well.

mohawks and other madness

we've been having a fun couple of weeks IN THE HOUSE because it's either too rainy, cold, or windy to go outside. sigh. but no don't worry, we have been hanging inside, having a blast. here are a few images of our little guy rocking his mohawk, and brooklyn stealing his toys.

a little big for her these days!

pre sneeze :)